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Weather of all kinds is supposed to influence a marriage.

Sunshine on a bride is a good omen, as is snow. Wind foretells of misunderstandings and rain means unhappiness.

An old wives tale says that a bride will shed tears for eah drop of rain to touch her on the wayto the church.

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Q: What are superstitious beliefs when it rains on your wedding day?
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What are some examples of superstitious beliefs-WEDDDING?

Weddings are a wonderful centre for all kinds of superstitions. A bride will shed many tears if it rains on her wedding day. It is bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony. It is bad luck for a bride to wear green. It is bad luck for anyone in the wedding party to wear green. It is unlucky to let anyone else wear your wedding ring once you are married. If the bride trips when she enters her new home she brings misfortune with her. A bride should always enter her new home on her right foot. A bride will shed tears for each pear she wears on her wedding day. It is bad luck to pass a funeral on the way to your own wedding. Catching the bridal bouquet means you will be the next woman to wed. Catching the brides garter (thrown by the groom) means you will be the next man to marry. Take a piece of the wedding cake home and sleep with it under your pillow and you will dream of your future spouse.

What are examples of superstitious beliefs?

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A few superstitious beliefs are Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, you break your mother's back when you step on a crack, it is bad luck to break a mirror, and opening an umbrella in a house brings bad luck. 1 practice many people do is they never step under a ladder. They feel this brings bad luck also.

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Sample of popular filipino attitudes and beliefs?

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What if it rains on the day of prom?

you could do the prom inside if it rains outside!

What are superstitious beliefs in agricultural practices that has scientific explanation?

well the superstitions are vague and astronomically impossible there for no means to scientfic aggriculture this means rugulation paresedication lf the recept day there for cupption and sattisification disisgrafied.