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Q: What are tangible and intangible goods?
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the process of utilising tangible and intangible input to get goods and services

Give examples of tangible and intangible services and goods?

Some tangible goods are things that can be touched or felt, physically. - Jewelry, clothes, TVs Where as Intangible things are those that cant be touched or felt, via sensory perceptions. - Computer programs, TV shows, or an Insurance policy, regulation's and rules are all Intangible services or goods.

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What are tangible and intangible goods and services?

Tangible goods are merchandise that you can put your hands on. Stuff like jewellery, computers, clothing or even CD's are all tangible products. When you go shopping in a store, everything you place in your shopping cart would be tangible goods. You can also shop online and add real products to your shopping cart there too. As long as something is shipping to you it will be a tangible good. On the other side of this are Intangible goods which are products that cannot be seen or touched. Things like domain names or computer programs are intangible goods. Even music you download from the web is considered intangible even though if you buy the CD it would be tangible. Tangible means capable of being touched. A tangible product is something which a company produces which the customer can see or hold, as against something like advice.

Are stocks tangible or intangible?

is a payed off automobile an intangible or tangible item ??

IS Tourism tangible or intangible product?

tangible are the likes of airline seats, hotel rooms and meals intangible are scenery, climate, heritage and the friendliness of the host population

Is a car tangible or intangible?


What is intangible and tangible?

Tangible is something you can touch and Intangible means something you can't touch. An example of Tangible waste can be an empty can and an Intangible waste can be air pollution.

What is tangible and intangible waste?

Tangible is something you can touch and Intangible means something you can't touch. An example of Tangible waste can be an empty can and an Intangible waste can be air pollution.

Tangible and intangible resources for red cross?

-Consider the Red Cross. What are the tangible and intangible resources?

Is a song tangible or intangible?

Tangible means ou can touch it. You can't touch a song, therefore it is intangible.

What does tangible and intangible mean?

Intangible means something you can't touch, and Tangible means something you can touch.