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Q: What are the 2 broken lines names on a map 1 lies north and 2 lies south?
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What two names are given for the lines that run around the earth from the north to the south?

The names that are given for the lines that run around the Earth north to south are lines of longitude or meridians. The ones that run east to west are lines of latitude or parallels. The main one is called the Prime Meridian

What are two names for the lines name for the lines that run east to west?

East to west- Latitude Lines North to south- Longitude Lines

What are the two names of the lines that run north to south?

The equator is the line that goes north to south and the prime meridian is the line that goes east to west. Did that help?

What are two names for the lines that run east to west on a globe?

They are the lines of latitude, and they are also called parallels.

Lines of longitude meet where?

Lines of longitude meet at the North and South Poles.

Where do the lines that run north to south come together at?

If you mean the longitude lines, as seen on a globe, they meet at the North Pole and at the South Pole.

What are the Lines north and south of equator?

Lines of longitude's

What are the lines on the globe that run north and south between the poles?

The lines that run north and south "or long ways" are longitude lines. East and west are latitude lines.

Do the lines of longitude on a map go from West-East or North-South?

The lines of longitude on a map goes from north-south

Lines of latitude measure the distance north and south of the?

latitude lines measre how far north and south a location is from the what

What lines runs north and south of the north pole and south pole?


Imaginary lines that run north and south?

lines of longide