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Although your question is not precise, but I'll answer it

1- The knee joint which is a biaxial synovial joint of the condyloid variant

it is formed by the 2 long bones femur & tibia

2- The elbow joint which is a uniaxial synovial joint ( hinge variant )

it is formed by three long bones humerus, radius, and ulna

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13y ago

The femur is the longest bone in the body followed by the tibia.

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12y ago

its a pair of them have long bones and large joints

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13y ago

Tibia and fibula

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Q: What are the 2 long bones with large joints?
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Are joints muscles or bones?

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What is Types of junctions?

1. Bony Fusion- bones fused together; no movement (also called synostoses joints)2. Fibrous Joints-immovable joints (synarthroses) that have fibrous connective tissue between the articulating bones; little to no movement3. Cartilaginous Joints- cartilage between the bones4. Synovial Joints- have a joint cavity lined by a synovial membrane

How many joints a human body has?

ACCORDING TO MUHAMMAD (SAWW)"Everyone has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints"TODAY ANATOMY AND ANOTOMISTS PROVE ITFirst: 147 joints in the vertebral column25 joints between the vertebrae.72 joints between the vertebrae and the ribs.Second: 24 joints in the thorax2 joints between the bones of the sternum and the thoracic cage.18 joints between the sternum and the ribs.2 joints between the clavicle and the scapulae (shoulder blade).2 joints between the scapulae and the thorax.Third: 86 joints in the upper extremity2 joints between the scapular bones.6 joints between the elbows.8 joints between the wrists.70 joints between the hand bones.Fourth: 92 joints in the lower extremity2 hip joints.6 joints between the knee bones.6 joints between the ankles.74 joints between the feet bones.Fifth: 11 joints in the Pelvis4 joints between the coccyx vertebrae.6 joints between the bones acetabulm.1 joint of the pubic sumphysis.Total number of joints: 360EVERY THING THAT PROPHET TOLD US IS A NODE FOR US AND IF WE ARE WISE WE SHOULD ADOPT IT as it is said"A NODE TO WISE"

How many joints are there in your middle finger and thumb?

The 2nd through 5th digits on both hands have 3 bones (proximal, middle and distal phalanges) and 3 joints, including the metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints. The 1st digit, however, only has 2 bones and 2 joints.

How do you get large monster bones in monster hunter 2 freedom?

hunting large monsters would produce large bones. no specific wyvern or pelagus gives that.

What factors determine movement at joints?

1)the shape of the articulating bones, 2) the flexibility of the ligaments that bind the bones toghether, and 3) the tension of associated muscles and tendons.

Which location we do not see hyaline cartilage?

Hyaline cartilage normal covers the articular surfaces of bones in typical synovial joints and primary cartilaginous joints. Certail joints do not have hyaline cartilage covering the bony elements. These include: 1. Fibrous Joints - skull sutures, gymphosis (teeth) and interosseus joints (radius and ulna shafts) 2. Atypical Synovial Joints (these have fibrocartilage instead of hyaline cartilage covering the bones). These include the Temporomandibular (TMJ), Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ), Sternoclavicular Joint, and 2nd to 7th Sternocostal Joints.

What is the purpose of joints in the human body?

Joints are located where two bones connect. They allow movement and provide mechanical support.

What are the 4 of bones?

Bones classified into four groups. Long bones,Short bones,Flat bones, and Irregular bones

What are the different joints in the body and what are their anatomical name and what movement do they allow and what are their functions?

list the various types of joints depending on their movement? There are 1. Gomphosis joints which are peg-in-socket fibrous joints. little movement. Example: attachment of tooth to bony socket. 2. Syndesmoses joints: two bones are bound by ligament only. Most moveable of fibrous joints. 3. Synchondroses joints: When bones are held together by hyaline cartilage. Example is rib being attached to sternum. 4. Ball and socket joints: Example would be head inside a cuplick depression. Head of femur into acetabulum of hip bone. 5. Hinge Joint: One bone that fits into a depression. Example: Finger and toe joints. 6. Saddle Joints: Each articular surface is shaped like a saddle. Example is trapeziometacarpal joint at the base of the thumb. 7. Symphyses: 2 bones joined by fibrocartilage. Pubic symphysis on pubic bone is an example. 8. Bony joints (Synostoses): 2 bones fused by osseous tissue: left and right mandible present at birth. 9. Synovial joints: Joint where two bones are separated by fluid filled space called a joint cavity. 10. Pivot joints: One bone has a projection that fits into a ringlike ligament of another. Examples are dens and axis. 11. Condyloid (ellipsoid) joints: oval convex surface on one bone fits into a similarly shaped depression on the next bone. 12. Gliding joints: Flat articular surface in which bones slide over each other.

What are 3 injuries and 2 diseases that affect bones and joints?

Osteoporosis, and/ or arthritis.

Bones found in legs is called a?

The long bones are the femur (thigh bone), the tibia, fibula (2 leg bones)