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This is copied from a teaching syllabus -- I can't remember the author because I copied it down quite awhile ago!

Characters and how we get to know them:

1. Through the author's physical description of them

2. Their actions

3. Their words

4. Their inner thoughts

5. Through what other characters say and think about them

Plot - A pattern of events that develops from the interactions between characters.

A plot is a pattern of events in a cause and effect relationship.

1. Cause - Things that make something happen.

2. Effect - What happens because something was done.

Conflicts - The problems the characters encounter.Their conflicts can be:

1. External - conflict with others and with nature

2. Internal - conflict within themselves

Setting - Time and place of the story

Theme - The meaning behind the events and the characters' actions.

Narrative - The Point of View and Verbal tense of the narrator. How much the narrator intrudes into the story.

Style of Writing - Rhetorical devices, word choice, and sentence structure.

Plot Outline:

1. Exposition: the background or introductory information that the reader must have in order to understand the story.

2. Rising Action - all of the events that take place leading up to the climax.

3. Climax - The turning point. Here the story is turned in a different direction, toward the conclusion, which is the wrapping up of the story.

4. Falling Action - The immediate reaction to the climax.

5. Denouement - The conclusion of the plot.Loose ends are tied up.

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6y ago
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1mo ago

Character development and plot are the two most important elements for any short story. Developing well-rounded characters and creating a compelling plot with conflict and resolution are crucial in engaging the reader and making the story memorable.

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10y ago

A great example would be Nightfall by Issac Asimov. The story's setting is a fictional planet Legash. The conflict lies between a group of scientists and a cult called the Apostles of Flame. The main characters are Sheerin 501, Siferra 89, and Beenay 25, all part of the group of scientists. The major theme is fear as many believe that the oncoming nightfall, which happens only once every 1000 years, may drive inhabitants to madness. The plot surrounds the scientists trying to prepare the area for this nightfall and their fight against the fall of this civilization. The climax is the nightfall and its resulting chaos. And much of the dialogue takes place among the scientists.

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11y ago

you want a answer for this? there are five importance of short story of elements PLOT , THEME , CHARACTERS , CONFLICT , AND SETTINGS.

Here are the Meaning of the Five Elements of a Short story.

1. Character - The plot can only exist with character(s). The main character is placed in a situation that contains a problem he must overcome: therefore, conflict exists. Most stories also have minor characters who either help or hinder the main character's attempt to solve his problem. When examining character, we must always look at his motivation. What makes him behave this way?

  1. Flat Character - a character who doesn't go through a change. These characters are usually one-dimensional.
  2. Round (Dynamic) Characters - a character affected by the events of the story. These characters are usually fully developed in terms of personality. They are described in more detail and their personalities emerge more fully. Round characters usually become enlightened, learn, grow, or deteriorate by the end of the story.
  3. Protagonist - The main character of the story.
  4. Stereotyped Characters - a character who is so well known that little has to be said about him/her. These characters are immediately recognizable because of the role he/she plays. Examples - the strong silent gunfighter, the nerd, the beautiful international spy, the mad scientist, etc.
  5. Antagonist - This character opposes the protagonist. Often, he/she is an opponent to the main character and is sometimes right and justified in his/her actions.

2. Conflict - Two types:

  1. Internal - man versus himself Save
  2. External - man versus man
    • man versus nature
    • man versus society
    • man versus unknown
    • man versus supernatural
    • man versus times

3. Setting - The physical background of the story - where and when the story takes place.

4. Plot - The arrangement of incidents or events in a story.

5. Theme

"The thesis is the main point you are trying to argue [in a composition]: for instance, that abortion is every woman's right or that housing discrimination is wrong. The theme, on the other hand, is a motif established by orchestrated connotative language that reinforces the thesis. Theme differs from thesis in that theme relies on inference and suggested meaning rather than on direct statement."

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11y ago





personal narative



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9y ago

The main elements of a short story are the same as those contained in any literary work. There must be a character(s), setting, plot, conflict and theme.

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11y ago

plot and characters. Without these you have an essay not a story.

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11y ago

Irony and suspense

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