

What are the 3 pieces of evidence for seafloor spreading?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the 3 pieces of evidence for seafloor spreading?
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What three pieces of evidence did Harry Hess gather to prove that seafloor spreading was taking place?

Three evidence that supports Harry Hess theory of Seafloor Spreading is; 1. Paleomagnetism. 2. Plate Tectonics. 3. Polar Wondering and Polar Reversal.

What are 3 things of evidence that scientists have that prove the ocean is spreading?

1) seafloor spreading 2) continental drift 3 i only found 2

What are the 3 lines of evidence for sea-floor spreading?

1. evidence from molten rocl 2. magnetic stripes 3. drilling samples

What are two pieces of evidence that support the theory of sea floor spreading?

1) mapping of magnetic reversals 2) the nice fit you get by placing places like South America and Africa next to each other. ( &3) fossil evidence of both plants and animals.)

How do you calculate the rate of seafloor spreading?

rate of spreading for stripe = width of stripe / time duration If a magnetic strips is 60 km wide and formed over 2 million years, then the rate at which spreading formed the was 30 km/m.y. The rate is equivalent to 3 cm/year. Spreading added an equal width of oceanic crust to a plate on the other side of the mid-ocean ridge, so the total rate of spreading across the ridge was 60 km/m.y. (6 cm/year), a typical rate of seafloor spreading.

What land forms are caused by the earths moving plates?

1. Seafloor spreading, new crust is made 2. Mountain ranges 3. Volcanoes 4. Faults

Explain the relationship between trenches and seafloor spreading?

Trenches are deep underwater canyons at subduction zones where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another. Seafloor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates are moving apart, creating new oceanic crust. Trenches and seafloor spreading are both part of the process of plate tectonics, where the Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that interact with each other.

What supported Wagner's theory of continental drift?

Several evidences were given as proof to the theory of continental drift, they include; 1. Climatic evidence (Paleoclimatic Reconstruction). 2. Fossil evidence (Paleontological proof). 3. Continental fit. (Continental margin shapes). 4. Lithological and Stratigrapical similarities of adjacent continental masses. 5. Seafloor spreading. 6. Glacial till. 7. Plate tectonics.

What are 3 pieces of evidence that scientists combine to determine evolutionary relationships among species?

Genetic features, morphological features and behavioural features.

What are three pieces of evidence that scientists use to support the theory of the continental drift?

The 3 pieces of evidence is: 1. fossils 2. climate 3. glaciers Wegner found out that the same fossils were found on a different continent. There was this tropical plant (i forgot whats it called) was found at a icy cold region so then the plant couldn't grow there only by continental drift. The glaciers have scratches on them which was one of the evidence. I hope this really helped :D

What 3 pieces of evidence did Alfred Wegener use to support his theory of continental drift?

he used fossils, glacial indentations, and different types of rock.

What 5 pieces of evidence continental drift?

1) Continental Puzzle 2) Matching Fossils 3) Rock Types and Structures 4) Ancient Climates