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In the film "Babes in Toyland", they go by the names of Elmer and Willie. In "The 3 Little Pigs: The Movie", the second and third are named Wally and Beamo. The "Shrek" film series states that they are named Ham, Bacon, and Pork. In the french play adaption, they are named Premier, Deaxieme and Troiseme (in English: First, Second and Third). In the original story, they go unnamed. In the online version of the story, one is named Lil Pig.

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Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer.

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Q: What are the 3 pigs name in Animal Farm?
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what past 3 months, the book is set over a time period of about a decade. The three months you asked about could be any of those. Please specify which 3 months you mean.

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What happens in the end of Animal Farm?

From Shmoop Literature on George Orwell's Animal Farm Summary The pigs exploit the other animals shamelessly, breaking all the rules that they had established after the Rebellion. Things fall apart: life on the farm gets worse and worse, the animals forget old Major's original dream, and the pigs make some poor management decisions when dealing with the neighboring farms. The culminating miserable moment comes when the pigs send Boxer, a hardworking and loyal horse who is ready for retirement, to his death. Ouch. In short, the pigs are starting to look a lot like the horrible human owners that we started with at the beginning of this whole mess. They may even be worse. So old cynical Benjamin was right.

What are some adjectives to descrive Animal Farm by George Orwell?

Some adjectives that could be used when describing animal farm are: 1.) Big 2.) Scary 3.) Small 4.) Dirty 5.) Productive <---- These are all some adjectives that could describe animal farm. There are alot more you can use.

What are 3 prefixes in the book The Animal Farm?

Stop asking other people for help and read the book...

What are seven humanly things animals must not do in Animal Farm?

THE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS 1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal. (Later the pigs decide that that isn't the case)