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Q: What are the 3 requirements listed for members of the Senate?
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They must have present 2/3 of their members.

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How law is enacted?

Bill introduced and the senate or members of the parliament passed it with 2/3 majority.

What are the differences between the Senate and the House of Representatives?

1. The members in the House of Reps only serve for two terms, where as the Senate serves for six years. 2. The amount of representation in the House of Representatives is based on state population; where as the number of representation in the Senate is limited to two people per state. 3. Only the Senate has the power of ratifying treaties with a 2/3 vote. 4. It is the job of the members of the House of Representatives to elect the U.S. President, where it is left up to the members of the Senate to elect the Vice President if the Electoral College fails to do so. 5. The House of Representatives has the sole power of bringing articles of impeachment against an elected official. is a larger body of Congress.

Can the senate ratify a treaty by a majority vote?

No, Senate approval must be by 2/3 of the members of the Senate present for the vote not 2/3 of the Senate as a whole. See Article II of the US Constitution.

Can a senate expel one of its members?

Yes, according to article 5, section 3 of the Constitutional amendments.

Can senate expel one of its members?

Yes, according to article 5, section 3 of the Constitutional amendments.

What vote is needed for conviction of impeachment?

the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present

What the three requirements listed for members of the senate?

The US Constitution mandates 3 requirements to becoming a senator. First, the candidate must be at least 30 years old. Second, the candidate must be a resident of their election state. Thirdly, the candidate must have been a citizen of the United States of America for at least the past nine years before the election.