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1. Zygomycetes: common in bread mould reproduses asexually unless conditions are poor the sexual reproduction occurs between mating strains 2. Ascomycetes: yeasts are unicellular cause mildew on plant leaves produse sexual spores called ascospores, and are mostly red brown blue green moulds that cause food spoilage 3. Basidiomycetes: known as club fungi, including mushroom some of which are edible other are poisenous or halloucinogens. Pproduce sexual spores called basidiospores 4. Deuteromycetes: known as fungi imperfecti either lost capacity for sexual production or has never been observed eg pencillium antibiotics, cheese aromas.

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14y ago

Chytridomycota = produce zoospores that have flagella (most primitive)

Zygomycota = produce thick-walled structures called zoosporangia during reproduction.

Ascomycota = produce spores in sac-like asci

Basidiomycota = produce sexual spores in structure called basidia

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Q: What are the 4 divisions fungi are classified in?
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