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northern and southern hemispheres

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Q: What are the 4 hemispheres and which lines divide them?
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What imaginary lines divide the northern and Southern Hemispheres?

The ansewer is the equater

What two lines that divide the earth from the northern and southern hemispheres?


What two important imaginary lines divide the hemispheres?

The Prime Meridian and the Equator

What imaginary lines divide the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres.?

Prime Meridian

What lines divide the world into hemispheres?

The equator breaks the Earth up into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The prime meridian breaks up Earth into the Western and Eastern hemispheres.

What two lines divide the eastern and western hemisphere?

The Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, London, marks the division between the eastern and western hemispheres. Additionally, the 180th meridian, also known as the International Date Line, further separates the two hemispheres.

What two lines divide earth into its four hemispheres?

latitude logitude

What are the 2 imaginary lines divide the earth into hemispheres?

The two imaginary lines that divide the Earth into hemispheres are the Equator, which divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the Prime Meridian, which divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

Which hemispheres are part of the global address are of the US?

To give the global address of the United States you can say in which hemispheres or halves of earth it lies geographer use two imaginary lines to divide earth into hemispheres

Which hemispheres are part of the global address of the US?

The United States is located in the Northern and Western hemispheres, as the prime meridian runs through the eastern border of the country.

Why do some mapmakers divide the eastern and western hemispheres at 20 degrees west?

Geographers divide the Earth into hemispheres so that they can navigate. This also helps them to more accurately map the Earth using longitudinal and latitudinal lines.

What are the imaginary lines called on a map that divide the world?

The line on the map is called the ratocoal.