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taxi, run up, rotate, flaps

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Q: What are the 4 stages of getting a plane off the ground?
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Related questions

Another word for getting off a plane?


What do you call getting off of a plane?

Deplaning or alighting

Who lands airplanes control tower or ground control?

Air control lands the plane. They also take the plane off, and pretty much get the plane from point A to B. As soon as they land and turn off the runway, Air control hands them off to ground control which brings them to the gate and from the gate to runway for take off again...

How does the 747 lift off the ground?

The engines provide thrust, making the plane move forward. As the plane picks up speed the air flows over the wing, creating lift. Once the lift reaches a certain amount, the plane lifts off the ground.

Can you land and take off a plane on tom clancy's hawx?

No, if you try to land on a runway, your plane explodes when you hit the ground.

How did umga die?

He was on a tour and fainted while he was getting off the plane.

What is the part that does the most in aiding a commercial jet liner lift off the ground?

The pilot. All the mechanical parts on the plane are important, but if a pilot doesn't start the engines, taxi to the runway and open the throttles, the plane won't lift off the ground.

Why don't they make the entire plane out of black box material?

The material that the black box is made of is too heavy. A whole plane made of the same material (All stainless steel), it would have a hard time getting off the ground and would be ridiculously expensive.

What describes the angle between level ground and the path of a plane taking off?

acute angle

What is another word for getting off a plane?

Deboarding.Disembarking would also be acceptable.

Is it normal getting the flu on and off in early pregnancy?

i had the flu on both my pregnancies in the early stages,

How many seconds does it take to take off in a plane?

Basic 737 wii be off ground in 15 seconds from commencing roll