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Q: What are the 5 Catholic orders that were created during the Counter Reformation?
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What did missionaries itroduce to the Native Americans during the counter reformaton?

the effects of the counter reformation on the Americas is during the counter reformation the catholic Church worked on spreading the power to all Americas

During the Catholic Counter Reformation Church leaders met repeatly where?

At Trento, Italy

What was the name of the last Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury who held the office during the counter-reformation?

Reginald Pole was the last Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury during the Counter-Reformation period, serving from 1556 until his death in 1558. Pole played a significant role in attempting to reconcile England with the Catholic Church during the tumultuous times of the Reformation.

What did missionaries introduce to native Americans during the counter reformation?

they introduced a new catholic religion

What century was the beginning of Catholicism?

The 16th century after the Protestant reformation and the ensuing Catholic counter-reformation that took shape during the Council of Trent (1545-64).

Who was the great composer during the Counter Reformation?

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was a renowned composer during the Counter-Reformation. He is best known for his sacred music compositions, particularly his masses and motets, which reflected the spirit of the Catholic Church during this period.Palestrina's works were considered to embody the ideals of the Counter-Reformation by achieving clarity and purity of expression in sacred music.

How did the catholic church reform itself in response to the protestant changes Papacy?

During the counter-reformation, the papacy was reformed to address corruption.

What meeting resolved some doctrinal questions and provided direction and unity for the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation?

The Council of Trent, held between 1545 and 1563, was the meeting that resolved doctrinal questions and provided direction and unity for the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation. This council addressed issues such as corruption, abuses, and theological challenges raised by the Protestant Reformation, reaffirming key Catholic teachings and practices.

How did the Catholic Church regain power during the Reformation?

The Catholic Church began a Counter-Reformation, spearheaded by the members of the Society of Jesus, called Jesuits. Beginning with the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation was comprised of several elements: ecclesiastical or structural reconfiguration, spiritual movements, creation of new religious orders, and increasing political dimensions. The Catholic Church recognized and acknowledged the concerns raised by Martin Luther, and by addressing them, created a stronger, more vibrant church that has resisted criticism and carried on for centuries.

How did the ninety five theses affect the Catholic Church in Germany?

The 95 theses were written during a period in European history known as the reformation. They furthered the ideology of the reformation by questioning the authority of the Catholic church. As a result, Protestantism began to get a hold in Europe. In response to these and other challenges, the Catholic church began the Counter-Reformation.

What prompted the catholic reformation during the sixteenth cetury?

The Catholic Reformation, also known as the Counter-Reformation, was prompted by the challenge posed by the Protestant Reformation. Leaders in the Catholic Church sought to address criticisms and reform certain practices within the church, such as corruption and the sale of indulgences, in order to combat the spread of Protestantism and strengthen the church's influence. This led to changes and revitalization within the Catholic Church.

Did the Counter Reformation fail?

The Counter Reformation, led by the Catholic Church in response to the Protestant Reformation, was largely successful in achieving its goals of stemming the spread of Protestantism and revitalizing the Catholic Church. It led to reforms within the Church, establishment of new religious orders, and the Council of Trent, which clarified Catholic doctrine and practices. Though it faced challenges and did not eliminate Protestantism, the Counter Reformation had a lasting impact on the Catholic Church.