

Best Answer

1.the biggest products in the Han economy were iron,silk,copper working,and salt

2.the silk road was established during the Han dynasty

3.Buddhism was first came to china during the Han dynasty

4.the name of the first Han emperor,Gaozu,means ''high ancestor''

5.the Han dynasty had 26 emperors in all

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Q: What are the 5 achievements of the Han dynasty?
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What are the achievement of the Han Dynasty?

The Han Dynasty had many achievements. Some of them were paper and books. They also made ink, poems, and a sundial. The people of the Han Dynasty also had the making of a seismograph, which is a device that measured earthqueakes. As you can see, the Han Dynasty had many achievements and was a sucessful Dynasty, too!

Why was the ruler wudi important in achievements. of the Han Dynasty?

because he is a boss

Why was the ruler Wudi important in the achievements of Han Dynasty?

because he is a boss

Why was the ruler Wudi important in the achievements of the Han dynasty.?

because he is a boss

Why did the ruler wudi important in the achievements of Han Dynasty?

Wudi made Confucianism the Han Dymain religion. ~Brooke~

Which was an acomplishment of the Han Dynasty?

Among the most important achievements, the silk road is probably the biggest.

What is Han Dynasty?

The Han Dynasty was a dynasty full of asians!

Which dynasty did the silk road start?

The Silk Road was started by the Han dynasty.

What was the fifth dynasty in china?

the first 5 dynasty's of china? They are laing dynasty, tang dynasty, jin dynasty, han dynasty and Zhou dynasty

How was the government of the Han Dynasty different from that of the dynasty?

The Han dynasty included more Confucianist ideals and is considered more moderate. The Qin dynasty was more ruthless. the Han Dynasty had Confucianist ideals

How were the government's of the Han dynasty and the Qin dynasty different?

The Han dynasty's government had less central control. The Han dynasty was less harsh to its people The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius.

How were the government of the Han dynasty and the Qin dynasty different?

The Han dynasty's government had less central control. The Han dynasty was less harsh to its people The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius.