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Haha, God, obviously. Idiot.

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Q: What are the 5 steps of carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?
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What are the steps in oxygen cycle?

The steps of the Oxygen Cycle are 1. A plant does Photosynthesis to let off Oxygen for organisms to use. 2.The humans use up the Oxygen through Respiration and let off Carbon Dioxide. 3. The Carbon Dioxide is then passed from the humans to the green plants once again. Then it repeats.

What is the steps for oxygen to become carbon dioxide?

Oxygen already travels in the molecular form of O2 so it is stable. All it needs is one carbon to become Carbon Dioxide, or CO2.

What are the 8 steps in the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange?

I only know 5 of them they are... carbon dioxide in the air photosynthesis Respiration decay once living or organisms fossil fuels

Which of the following steps represents a correct source of carbon dioxide during aerobic respiration?

Citric acid cycle

In anaerobic respiration what steps produce carbon dioxide?

It's called the Krebs's cycle and it consists of the steps to convert a 2 carbon sugar into CO2 and H2O. (And you don't own the genetic code to do this ... only the mitochondria do.)

Where do the human lungs get the carbon dioxide to replace oxygen?

Taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide is called breathing. Breathing is only a part of the process Respiration. In respiration, th lungs take in oxygen, which mixes with blood and is then circulated to each and every cell of the body. After this, in a cell, the oxygen is utilised for oxidation of food materials to generate energy for various metabolic processes. This process liberates carbon dioxide since it is a chemical reaction involving many steps. This carbon dioxide is then carried from each cell by the blood to reach the lungs where it is expelled out.

Which steps in respiration require oxygen?

All three of the basic steps INSPIRATION, VENTILATION and PERFUSION although 1/2 of the 2nd phase or VENTILATION process requires no oxygen and it is the expiration of carbon dioxide from the body through the lungs.

What are the steps for external respiration?

External respiration consist in three steps:Pulmonary ventilation (inhalation and exhalation.)Gas diffusion.Transport of Oxygen (O2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2).

What the steps of the oxygen cycle?

oxygen is breathed in we use it co2 let out plants take co2 in cycle repeats

What are the steps in carbon cycle?

The four basic steps of the carbon cycle are the earth, the air, the oceans, and all the organisms that are living. Also called the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and the biosphere.

What are converted into glucose and oxygen in the process of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water react during a series of steps to produce glucose and oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. The overall chemical reaction is:6CO2 + 6H2O ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2

How does the purpose the Krebs cycle differ from the purpose of the Calvin?

When Oxygen is used in a cell, pyruvic acid enters a series of chemical reactions called Kreb's cycle. At various steps during the Kreb's cycle, energy is released and passed on to a second series of reactions. As a result of these reactions, carbon dioxide and water are formed and a great deal of energy is stored as ATP (38 ATP) molecules.