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swimming Surfing boating; fishing, skiing, ski-biscuiting, wakeboarding, relaxing walking relaxing friends over eating fruit salad sunbaking fishing washing the dog smiling

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Q: What are the Activities done in summer season?
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Are there more activities you can do during the summer then any other season?

No. There are infinate activities in any season of the year! =)

How summer season affect human beings?

Well, during summer, there is a lot of heat or sun so people tend to dress lighter and enjoy activities that cool them down like swimming and enjoying the beach. Summer can also be high time for active activities since its a dry season.

Why is summer the best time to go to Spain?

Because the weather is warm and it is a holiday season so lots of activities one would get to see. The beaches are at their best in summer. Some of the tours and activities are only operating in summer.

What kind of summer activities can be done at Arabba in Italy?

There are several activities available in the summer time at Arabba in Italy. Outdoor activities such as mountain biking, climbing, and motorcycling are great ways to see the scenery available.

What are some activities that mark the change of season from spring to summer?

you can go swimming or go to the beach and have fun! :II

If the season was summer in Ireland what would the season be in Chicago?

Summer. Summer.

Name some activities done during summer?

Depends on what kind of activities your into, if you like outdoors then try fishing, go to the beach, swimming, wakeboarding, hiking or rafting.

Which winter activities are not possible during the summer?

all of them hence the name winter activities not winter/summer activities

What season is July in Finland?

summer and holiday season

Why does rainy season comes after summer season?

Because it evaporate the water in summer season

What season is el verano?

1. Summer, summer season. 2. In Ecuador, the dry season

What is summer?

summer is the hottest season of all the seasons