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Because it evaporate the water in summer season

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Q: Why does rainy season comes after summer season?
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Why rainy season comes after summer seasons?

when it is summer season the water evaporates ant clouds become heavy

How many seasons in Myanmar?

There are three seasons in Burma, these are Summer season, Rainy Season and winter season. March- June is Summer season. July-October is Rainy Season and November to February is winter seasons.

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hiw nature changes her garments from summer to rainy season

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Most deserts have a rainy season when they receive the major portion of their annual rainfall. Some have a rainy season in the summer. Some have a rainy season in the summer and a second in the winter.

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It can rain at anytime in the desert. However, some have a winter rainy season, some have a summer rainy season, some have both.

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Why rainy season comes after winter season?

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Why is condensation is more in rainy season than summer season?

cause your mom was there