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Q: What are the Advantages and disadvantages of loose typing in PHP?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of PHP with mysql?

Ultimately PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database language. Using PHP with MySQL is a nice combination with built-in support and the simplicity of it all. However, there aren't a lot of disadvantages of using PHP with a database, it just allows for better data organization and whatnot. There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to using a database other than MySQL (such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL).

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of PHP functions?

There are too many (hundreds) functions for there to be an answer to this. Advantages are that they can be used server side to print output that can be translated from databases etc. Disadvantages it that it can delay the loading time of all you pages.

Research on advantages and disadvantages of php hypertext preprocessor?

Advantages: Easy to maintain and Less time wasted if you needed to change one script Disadvantages: Time-Consuming when you're converting and con't work in DW properley.

Where can one find PHP documents?

You can find PHP documentation on the official PHP website at The website has comprehensive documentation on PHP functions, classes, and features, as well as user-contributed notes and examples.

Why does typing SHIFTf4name will not highlight or register as a variable in notepad plus plus coding in php?

In php a variable is declared using $ sign for eg. $name or $sport= 'Volleyball';. If you are not using this sign it won't work.

Why we use php?

PHP is a web programming language . It is majorly used in web applications. \ It is used for creating dynamic webpages that interact with the user . PHP offers many advantages; it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source

What are the advantages of PHP over C?

PHP was built for the web from the beginning, so it has a variety of built-in features helpful to web development that C does not (for example, built-in database support).

What are the advantages of php file system?

PHP is a scripting side language and has more key points than other development languages. The speed of PHP is fast relative to other languages because it uses many system resources. It is an open-source language that’s why it is maintained by a large group of PHP developers and the support community is more than other languages. It is easy to use because it follows the syntax of “C”. Those who familiar with C language can easily understand PHP. It has powerful library support you can easily find functional modules. It has built-in database functionality. These are some points that consider as core advantages of PHP.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using PHP?

PHP is a rather loose language that is fairly upfront. Functions, classes, and variables are easy to manipulate and use. It has very similar syntax in comparison to higher level languages such as C, allowing the branching of more complicated languages (starting with a watered down language like PHP). The PHP engine parses scripts quickly, and has a very elaborate error system, detailing why an error occured, where it started or ended, and what caused it (if applicable). Easy INI settings allow you to surpress these errors when it's time to put your website to professional use (the INI settings can control many other options, at that). PHP has MySQL, Oracle, and many other major database support. Extensions can be added on to further the classes and functions a programmer is capable of performing. You can even write your own scripts and share them with the world with the PHP Extensive Application Repository (or, PEAR for short). However, some people find the PHP language complicated -- or contrary, too loose. Programmers with little experience may find complex source too difficult to understand, and they may never end up understanding it. Programmers with higher levels of experience may find PHP's syntax to be too lose; for example, comparing an integer to string that has an integer in it (two completely different types of variables) would cause errors in higher level languages, stating that the comparison is invalid. PHP allows this sort of syntax, and (in a sense) converts the string into an integer.

How can you find out whether PHP is up and running on an NT server?

Try typing the command into command prompt: netstat this should tell you what services are running under what ports.

What are the limitations of PHP?

Everything has limitations or disadvantages and PHP is no exception. The following are the limitations of PHP (so be WARNED !!) # PHP is NOT 100 % pure Object Oriented scripting language. But in near future PHP may support 100% object oriented scripting (PHP may imitate most of the syntax of Java language). PHP already imitates some features of Java language. (In future PHP language will imitate most features of Java language and Java programmers will love PHP. And PHP will have java keywords like class, extends, interface, implements, public, protected, private etc..). # PHP will NOT give the performance of "C" or "C++" language. Because it is scripting language and is interpreted it will be a bit slower than the optimized "C++" programs. For top performance, you should use "C++" and fast-CGI with database/webserver connection pooling and use C++ compiler optimizer "-O3" options. Zend optimizer in PHP 4 will speed up the performance of PHP and bring it very close to optimized "C" code . # But note a point that PHP was designed for very Rapid Web-Application Development tool. If it takes about 3 months to code a web application in C++, then using PHP you can develop the same web application in just 4 days!! And with zend optimizer, the speed of execution of PHP will be very close to that of equivalent C++ program!! Hence, there is really no advantage in using C/C++ for web development. PHP itself is written in 100% "C" language. On the other hand, PHP has lot of advantages and it's advantages outweigh it's limitations - # You can very rapidly develop web applications in PHP as compile and link is eliminated in PHP scripting language. # PHP applications are very stable and do not depend on the browser technologies unlike Javascript applications which depend on browsers. PHP will give you the freedom to select any server platform. The browser does not know that the HTML page is generated by PHP !! # PHP has excellent database conectivity to all SQL database servers. # PHP has partial support for Object oriented features # PHP has C++, Perl, Javascript like syntax features and has programs like 'ptags/ctags' to navigate the source code # PHP has Zend optimizer which speeds up the performance # PHP runs on all unixes, linux, Windows 95/NT/2000 and is more powerful than ASP, JSP and others. # PHP has a very large user base and developer base.Ref: