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Q: What are the Bathing rituals of a zoroaster?
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What are sum Hinduism rituals?

One ritual is that they do bathing rituals where the people go in a holy bath and pray to their gods while they sit.

What did archeologist think that the great bath was for?

some archeologist think that the great bath was used for religious rituals. They point out that bathing rituals are important in India's major religion, Hinduism.

How old was zoroaster when he died?

zoroaster was 77 when he died

How did the tribes get clean?

They bathed like anyone else. Some tribal rituals involved bathing, normally a morning ritual (performed every morning).

Is Zoroaster mentioned in the Rig Veda?

Not by name (either Zarathushtra or Zoroaster, the Greek transliteration).

What kinds of compulsions are there?

Compulsions usually involve repetitive rituals such as excessive washing (especially hand washing or bathing), cleaning, checking and touching, counting, arranging, or hoarding.

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What happened to prophet Zoroaster?

It is uncertain how Zoroaster died, but it's believed he was murdered in Balkh located in present-day Afghanistan.

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Prophet Zoroaster

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