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Rising levels of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere are causing the temperatures to be warmer in the Arctic. Polar bears can only hunt when ice covers the ocean, but warmer temperatures melt the ice, which causes polar bears to starve.

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Q: What are the CO2 levels doing to cause polar bear extinction?
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How has man influenced the polar bear and the habitat?

People have influenced the polar bears by hunting them and leading them to extinction. Men also made the polar bear in extinction by creating a global warming that made the icebergs melt and now, a small amount of habitat is left for the polar bears to live.

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Are polar bears endangered animals-?

Polar Bears are currently endangered animals and on the bring of extinction due to the process of global warming.

Can we reverse polar bear extinction?

We can save them if there is a will there's a way there is a will if we work together we can do this Contrary to popular belief, the polar bear is in no immediate danger of extinction. In the 1970's, polar bears numbered less than 8000. Today, there are nearly 25,000 in the wild. They are listed as Threatened, or vulnerable by the IUCN.

Why is the polar bear still at risk for extinction?

As of now, the polar bear is a vulnerable species, not on the endangered species list, as some populations are increasing.

What is peoples' input on the extinction of polar bears?

The polar bear is in no immediate danger. See IUCN Red list for more info on this subject.

How did humans cause polar bears to become endangered?

Over hunting reduced the population to less than 8000 in the 1970's. Today, the polar bear numbers around 25000, and is in no imminent danger of extinction. Listed as vulnerable by the IUCN.

What do polar bears represent in the world?

They are a symbol for all animals threatened with extinction from global warming.