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Q: What are the Causes and effects of flood on agriculture and animal husbandry?
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Agriculture and animal husbandry

What are the characteristics of animal husbandry and agriculture?

Animal husbandry and agriculture are closely related because they both deal with beneficial aspects of crop and animal use. Learning this is beneficial to both individuals and the economy in general.

Which branch of agriculture involves the rearing of livestock?

Animal husbandry

How do floods effect on animal husbandry?

When the animals die in the floods or in any other accidents it effects the animal husbandry

What is most of the californian's water used for?

I would imagine agriculture and animal husbandry.

How flood affect agriculture and animal husbandry?

Floods are almost impossible to predict. When a flood happens in an area with agriculture and animal husbandry it carries away or kills genetic material that is needed for breeding the next generation of plants and animals.

What are the divisions of animal husbandry?

I know few of the departments of animal husbandry. 1. Cattle and Dairy Development 2. Fisheries 3. Livestock Health

How do floods and heavy rains affects animal husbandry and agriculture in brief?

When the flood is coming, the animals cannot eat their food and their living style will all be damaged,also they cannot live without food and water. If the flood comes then animal life will be destroyed as they cannot live in shelter. Animals like cow, goat, buffalo, etc. are necessary for man. If they cannot be useful and harm due to flood then human life also be not satisfied.

What is primary occupation?

Primary activities include agriculture,animal husbandry,forestry,fishing,mining and quarrying etc...

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Agriculture and animal husbandry

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Government, education, infrastructure, mining, agriculture, animal husbandry, currency - amongst others