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Q: What are the Effects of Boers trek in south Africa?
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What was the great trek of 1830?

The Great Trek was the migration by Dutch settlers away from British control in what is now South Africa.

What was the migration of the Boers into the interior of Africa called?

great trek

What was the migration of the Boers into into the interior of Africa called?

great trek

What is the origin if the word trek?

Trek is an Africaans/Dutch word Trekken meaning to march, draw, to pull or journey. Generally refers to the Great Trek of the Boers in South Africa, 1835

Effects of the great trek in South Africa?

One of the effects of the Great Trek was that conflict and wars soon began to break out.

The British and afrikaners in the 1830?

There is a difference between the Boers and the Afrikaners. People tend to place them together however they are not the same. In the 1830 the Boers wanted to get away from the British and started the "Great Trek" into the rest of what is today South Africa. The Afrikaners did not join the trek and stayed on in the Cape with the British. This being why when the Boers settled in Transvaal and the Orange Free State, they were called Boer Republics not Afrikaner Republics. For political reasons people tend to place the two together today.

Where did the word trek come from?

south Africa

Who were the trek Boer's?

The trek Boers were immigrants from Holland and Belgium, many of them fleeing from religious persecution back home.

Why did thousands of boers move north in the great trek?

To escape British rule

Why did thousands Boers move north in the great trek?

To escape British rule

Which two republics did the boers establish as a result of the great trek?

Transvaal and the Orange Free State

How did European influence the lead the Boer war?

Boers: descendants of early Dutch settlers during Napoleonic wars, British seized their lands and later encouraged more Brits to move to this area and renamed it cape colony-->boers moved north "the great trek" to region between Orange and Vaal rivers and formed two republics-->boers frequently battled Zulu-->Zulu defeated by Brits-->Cecil Rhodes started diamond and gold companies operating in South Africa and became rich-->Rhodes, who was made prime minister of the cape colony, planned to overthrow the south African republic of Boers without British approval. by then it was too late to avoid a war-->Boer war 1899-1902