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Q: What are the Exception being the part composite data types?
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What is primitive and composite data types in DBMS?

a composite data type is any data type which can be constructed in a program using its programming language's primitive data types and other composite types. The act of constructing a composite type is known as composition.

What is composite data type in plsql?

Composite types have internal components that can be manipulated individually, such as the elements of an array, record, or table.Oracle TimesTen In-Memory supports the following composite data types:Associative array (index-by table)Nested tableVarrayRecord

What is composite data type in c?

Composite datatypes are the datatypes which can be constructed with in a program by using prmitive datatypes and other composite types.the act of constructing a composite data type is called composition..............

What does it mean that a vector is synchronized in Java?

It means that multiple threads can safely read/modify data from a vector at the same time. Attempting to do that with an unsynchronized data type - an ArrayList, for instance - could result in an exception being thrown, or incorrect data being stored.

Why is a class known as composite data type?

A class is known as a composite data type because it binds both member variable and functions as a single identity.

Is built-in data-type are abstract data-types in java?

All built-in data types are not abstract data types.

What is datatype.Define various types of data types?

In c language data types are used to specify the tye of data.for ex:int a;It means "a" is a variable of type integer.There are two types of data types in c.They areprimary data typessecondary data typesprimary data types are the built in data types and secondary data types are the user defined data for primary data types are int,float,char,long,double..and for secondary are arrays,structures,pointers,unions..

What are the two types of storage in a computer system which type is generally faster and holds data and instructions while the data is being processed?


What are the different data types?

Theres two types of data, Continuous and discontinuous data.

What are the subject-matters of data structure?

types of data structure types of data structure

Why do you need data types?

Data types specify which types of data that an object or variable can hold. Without data types, it would be impossible to make sure that an application functions properly.

What are the different types of data?

Types of data types :Primitive data typeUser-defined data typeDerived Data typePrimitive data type:int,char,float,double,voidUser-Defined data type:class,enumeration,structure,unionDerived Data type:Arrays,Functions,Pointers.