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Do Lamarck's theories provide a good explanation for the change in months? Why or why not?

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Q: What are the Lamarck's 3 theories?
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When does jean baptiste lamarcks begin classifying insects?

Beginning in 1801, Lamarck began to publish details of his evolutionary theories. Where others in the field had hinted at the possibility of evolutionary change, Lamarck declared it as being a truth and fact.

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What parts of Lamarcks hypotheses have been proved wrong?

Animal behaviors are not inheritable.

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Make me cum daddy~! Make me moan~!

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Theories don't support theories.Only evidence that comes from observation or experiment supports or demolishes theories.

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Whose theory stuck between Lamarck and Darwin?

lamarcks theory of natural selection was accepted as they believed in religion and didnt want to believe anything other than god created our planet. darwin believed in evolution and plants and animals develop without the aid of intelegent creater through natural selection. lamarcks believed animals changed to fit there habitat for eample a girrafe reached for tall tree's and eventually grew into tall necks. At this period of time niether lamarck are darwin new about genes and in that so came up with these theories. hope this helps xoxox

What were the lamarcks two theories of how organisms evolved?

Concepts more than theories. Use and disuse. A anatomical part of an organism would fade away if not constantly used and would enhance itself is used. The giraffe neck as an example of use. Acquired characteristics. Characteristics that one developed over the course of a lifetime could be passed on to progeny. Such as the developed muscles of a blacksmith could be inherited by his children. Naturally, both these concepts were absolutely refuted by the theory of evolution by natural selection.

What are 3 new theories that are being put forth to explain the universe?

I know one of the newer theories is called , intelligent design.

What do you think of Wallace's critique of lamarcks?

he was different because lamarck was using already true things to prove something and wallace was a theorist

How does Sherlock not die?

There are many theories but you will have to wait for series 3 to find out.