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Q: What are the Malnutrition effects on capillary exchange?
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What is capillary exchange?

Capillary exchange play an important role in homeostasis, it involve the processes of that moves materials across typical capillary wall like diffusion, filtration and reabsorption.

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How is the wall of a capillary suited for the exchange of materials in tissues?

The wall of a capillary is extremely thin.

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What is meant by the term 'capillary exchange'?

Capillary Exchange is a biological term. This is where fluids, gasses, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged between the blood and body tissues by diffusion.

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What are the effects of lack of provisions?

Hunger and malnutrition are effects of lack of provisions.

What is a functions of alveoli in speech organ?

it help in the exchange of o2 in blood capillary and co2 from blood capillary into alveolus

What is the explanation for the process of capillary exchange?

Capillary exchange is the process by which substances, such as oxygen and nutrients, are exchanged between the blood in capillaries and the surrounding tissues. This occurs through diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. The exchange is driven by a concentration gradient and the movement of substances across the capillary wall is regulated by small pores called fenestrations and by the presence of transport proteins.

Site of alveolar-capillary oxygen exchange?

Within the lungs.