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In the context of divorce law, abandonment is referred to as "desertion." It is a "fault" type of grounds for divorce, meaning that it can affect how the court rules on matters of alimony and child custody.

There are two types, Actual Desertion. and Constructive Desertion. The distinction at its core has to do with who is At Fault, the person leaving or the person remaining in the home. Actual Desertion is when the person who left is at fault because they unjustifiably abandoned the spouse remaining. In Constructive Desertion, the spouse remaining drove the leaving spouse away through their actions, such as cruelty.

In either case, the desertion must have continued for at least 12 months. During this time, the two spouse must not have stayed under the same roof for a night nor have sex, or it invalidates this period of time. The deserted spouse must also prove much of the matter in court, and this can be a complicated process. See link for specifics.

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Q: What are the Maryland abandonment laws for divorce?
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What is abandonment divorce?

Divorce laws vary from state to state. Desertion or abandonment with the intention of not returning is grounds for divorce in states that still have fault divorce as opposed to no-fault divorce. Some states differentiate between the two terms with desertion an intent to end the marriage and abandonment being an absence for a certain length of time. You need to check the laws in your state and consult with an attorney who is familiar with those laws.

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Abandonment is not grounds for divorce in Michigan. Michigan is a "no-fault" divorce state.

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You can divorce anywhere. You have to follow the rules in place where you file for the divorce. This is normally the state/country in which you live.

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All states do. Maryland laws require at least one party to have resided in the state of Maryland for one (1) year before the divorce forms are filed, if the grounds for divorce occurred outside the state. If the grounds for divorce occurred within the state of Maryland, there are no residency requirements but at least one spouse must be a resident of the state of Maryland.

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Abandonment as grounds for divorce is addressed by state laws. There is no general rule. You need to speak with a divorce attorney who can review your situation, explain your options and advise you of your rights according to your state laws.

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Repeated denials of marital relations can be used as grounds for divorce in some jurisdictions by the spouse who was denied sexual relations. You need to check for your particular state laws. It would be called "constructive abandonment" in some jurisdictions.

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If a wife deserts her husband, he may be able to legally divorce her without her consent. Each state has different abandonment laws though.

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Spousal abandonment is actually not a crime, however, it is grounds for divorce (which may be granted in absentia, if the missing spouse cannot be contacted or will not show up to contest the divorce).

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There is not a specific law regarding abandonment in Maryland. Contact a lawyer to gain more information regarding your specific case.

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