

What are the PHP tags?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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There are no PHP tags. Unlike HTML, PHP is not Markup language. They use scripts. An example would be


echo "Hello, World!";


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Q: What are the PHP tags?
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How do you create a PHP script?

To create a PHP script all you have to do is create a new file, then save the file as "filename.php". It must have a .php file extension.After that open the file and put in the PHP tags like shown.Then you write your PHP script within those tags and upload to your web space and check it out.

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The two standard PHP delimiter tags look similar to XML/HTML languages.The beginning tag is:

Can HTML tags code and text be included in a php code?

Yep. We do it all the time. One way is to simply tell PHP that you want the tags echoed. Like so: &lt;?php echo('&lt;b&gt;Hi&lt;/b&gt; Nice to meet you!'); ?&gt; Sometimes you want instead to simply use the PHP in parts of a page and leave the rest. You can do this, too. &lt;body&gt; &lt;div class="login"&gt; &lt;?php if($user-&gt;loggedIn()){ ?&gt; &lt;b&gt;Hi!&lt;/b&gt; &lt;?php }else{ ?&gt; &lt;!-- HTML FORM HERE --&gt; &lt;?php } ?&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/body&gt;

What PHP Codes?

if i got your question right, you mean "what are php tags?" your should write PHP codes between &lt;?php ... ?&gt; where ... should be replaced by codes that you need. But if you mean "what are php codes?": there are some default codes that you may find them on, and the other part is codes (Functions or classes) that other programmers develops..

What is syntax in php?

We can use php tags in different ways. &lt;?php //php code to be written here ?&gt; OR &lt;? //php code ?&gt; This tag will not work when we using editors such as macromedia dreamweaver. OR &lt; script language="php"&gt; //php code &lt;/script&gt;

How is PHP code designated in a webpage?

PHP code is never executed by the web browser, and the source code of a PHP file will normally not be sent to the browser at all. In this sense, there is no designation of PHP code on the client's side-- it all appears to be HTML, text, XML, or whatever other type of output you choose to produce. On the server side, PHP scripts are inside of files ending in ".php". Script inside of these PHP files start with . Anything outside of these tags will be sent to the browser as static ("unchanging") output. The code inside the PHP tags start from the top, and are executed sequentially from top to bottom, unless flow control is used to modify the control of the scripts (such as functions, while loops, switch and if constructs, etc).

What are translators?

That depends, it may be HTML script "translated" into normal text, as BBCode where you can make bold text, and it can be HTML which is translated into for example PHP with echo tags.

Html css javascript php etc charts and cheat sheets. Linkz please?

HTML: CSS: JavaScript: PHP:

What are HTML translators?

That depends, it may be HTML script "translated" into normal text, as BBCode where you can make bold text, and it can be HTML which is translated into for example PHP with echo tags.

How do you write string in reverse through the HTML tags?

Not possible through html. Use php strrev function. For eg:

What is the difference between echo and print in PHP?

Print always returns a value of true, but echo doesn't. echo also has a short cut syntax meaning you can immediately follow the php tags by an equals sign and it will echo the result like in the example shown below: &lt;?=$hello?&gt;

What are the strengths of PHP?

Actually i work with PHP because: - Structure is awesome - It works on different platforms (Windows, Linux, ..) - It's simple and also powerful - You can do everything that you want like editing photo, publishing things, even modify files and ... (no limitation) - All you need is PHP Engine (can be downloaded from: I have worked with other languages too, but PHP is best. ASP.NET is worst for me because unlike PHP you going to need lot of things and additional knowledge. (like it going to add some tags in your HTML Source that i hate it)