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Q: What are the Symptoms of cats who have drank antifreeze?
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What to do if you drank antifreeze?

Seek medical care immediatly.

Why do cats fly?

Cause they drank red bulll

Is there antifreeze Dr Pepper?

.... no.. antifreeze will kill you.. so anyone who drank Dr. Pepper would die and my friend drinks it all the time and she is still alive..

Would a cat eat antifreeze?

First of all, antifreeze is as tantalizing to cats and dogs as your favorite food is to you. You probably like chocolate: sugar. Right? Well, to dogs and cats, antifreeze looks, smells, and tastes just as good as chocolate Reese's Cups or Snickers do to you. So, cats and dogs are not dumb if they do eat it. Make sure to keep antifreeze ouf of reach of dogs, cats, and small children. ~have a blessed day~

What wild animals will drink antifreeze?

Antifreeze has an appealing sweet smell to cats. However, it can be deadly, as Antifreeze is not meant to be ingested. So, obviously, do NOT let your cat or anyone elses drink it.

What are the symptoms of arthritis for cats?

they die?

What household chemicals can kill cats?

Household chemicals that are hazardous to humans are also hazardous to cats. Keep them out of the laundry room! Also, antifreeze is especially deadly to indoor/outdoor cats. Cats don't normally ingest antifreeze directly, but instead lick it off their paws when they accidently walk through it. This can typically happen when cars are leaking antifreeze.

How long does it take to die from drinking antifreeze?

If the cat drank to much it could die in a day or so, if it drank a smaller amount it could vommit it out and be okay, but i would still take to the vet just incase.

Symptoms in older cats with possible diabetes?

diabetes symptons in house cats

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What illnesses also seem to have cold like symptoms in cats?

Cats suffer from rhinovirii just as humans do, although it is a different family of viruses. Distemper also can cause cold-like symptoms in cats.

Two important toxins that commonly cause death in cats are?

Two common causes of death among cats are antifreeze and plants. Antifreeze can kill a cat in a matter of hours and plants such as holly and poinsettias are lethal to most pets.