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Q: What are the Three sheets of muscle in stomach?
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What are three examples of a invoulentary muscle?

cardiac muscle walls of the stomach and intestines walls of blood vessels

What type of muscle is found in the wall of the stomach?

smooth muscle tissue. it is an involuntary muscle and the stomach can be controled by you.

What are the levels of organism of the stomach?

stomach muscle cellstomach muscle tissuestomach organ

How does mechanicle digestion occur in the stomach?

There are three layers of muscle in the stomach that churn the food over and over to get it well mixed until it turns into chyme.

What muscles are in the stomach?

The stomach is composed of smooth muscle (as opposed to skeletal or cardiac muscle).

What are the levels of organization that forms the stomach?

stomach muscle cellstomach muscle tissuestomach organ

What are the levels of organization that form the stomach?

stomach muscle cellstomach muscle tissuestomach organ

Can you have fat behind your stomach muscle?

No, but you can have a layer of stomach fat on top of muscle. If so, that will hide the muscle and not look good.

What type of muscle is the stomach?

It is a smooth muscle.

Are there muscle in the stomach?

yes they have 54 muscle's