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Q: What are the Unix system calls for Input and Output?
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What are system calls in Unix?

System calls provides interface use of services available in the operating system.

In computing was does WinSock refer to?

WinSock refers to the adaptation of Windows of Berkeley and Unix Sockets. It is an interface program that handles input/output requests for Internet applications in a Windows operating system.

What operating system is designed to deal with input output and processing requests from many users?

Unix was designed specifically to handle many users and requests at the same time (time-sharing).

How may system calls does unix has?

There is no exact number because Unix systems vary. However, it is safe to say there are a lot of them, from hundreds to thousands..

What is a filter in Unix?

A Unix filter is a command pattern that allows the output of one command to be "piped" into the input of the next command. Commands like 'ls' which list a directory are not filters since they only generate output. Filter examples are grep, sed, sort, uniq, awk. Commands in Unix are usually filters unless they only create output, like 'ls', 'vi', etc.

Can unix operate without any other operating system?

Of course. Any piece of software which calls itself an 'operating system,' such as UNIX, is independent of all other operating systems.

What are System calls for file creation in unix?

Those API calls would be in section 2 of the manual: open/close/fopen/fclose/freopen

What is exec system call of UNIX operating system?

The exec family of UNIX system calls will overlay the current process with another process. It can be used to "chain" a series of programs to run together. When used with the "fork" system call it allows multi-tasking to occur.

Who is Unix work performed by?

Unix work is performed by users of the unix system, for application and system programs, or anything that requires a Unix system.

What is pipe Command in unix?

A "pipe" is where output is redirected to another program. It exists in Windows as well as Unix (although you don't see much of it in Windows usage).The character used in piping is the pipe character ('|').For example, you wanted to create a MD5 hash of the message "Hello World!" you'd do echo "Hello World!" | md5sum. The echo command will output "Hello World" to standard output (also called stdout), and the pipe will redirect that to the md5sum utility, which will calculate the MD5 hash from the output as input.

What is uucp?

UUCP is the abbriviation of Unix to Unix copy. It is worldwide email system called UUCP or Unix to Unix copy.This email system was developed for the operating system called Unix.

In UNIX what is default output device?

No vaselating' what the default output device means is newtral...