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There are several accepted physical symptoms of depression. A person suffering from depression may exhibit one or all of these. Some of these symptoms include; headaches, Back pain, muscle aches or joint pain, chest pain, digestive problems, exhaustion/fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

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Q: What are the accepted physical symptoms of depression?
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What are the physical symptoms for depression?

Back pain Stomach Pain Headaches ^ all for no reason

What the top five symptoms of depression?

The top five symptoms of depression are feeling overly tired, a change of appetite, feeling hopeless about your life or future, feeling physical aches or pains, and you may have suicidal thoughts.

What are some depression examples?

It may be a depresion of weather or a clinical depression.

What are some positive symptoms of depression?

Depression has very few, if any positive symptoms. Check out the related link for a list of the symptoms of depression.

How many different depression symptoms are there?

There are several different depression symptoms that can be caught early and some symptoms of depression that cannot be caught until much later on when the depression has reached a deeper level.

What are symptoms or postnatal depression and what are ways to reduce them?

Symptoms of postnatal depression is depression after the baby is born. Talking to a counselor is a good way to help reduce the depression.

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What symptoms should appear when someone has teen depression?

Symptoms for teen depression are very similar to the symptoms for adult depression. Withdral from people and things that they usually associate with is one symptom.

Physical Symptoms Of Depression In Women?

Though depression is usually thought of as a mental or emotional condition, severe depression frequently manifests itself with a handful of physical symptoms. If you are concerned that someone you care about is suffering from depression, here are some of the most common physical symptoms of depression in women.WeightThe most obvious physical symptom of depression in women is a dramatic weight change. Both weight gain and weight loss can signify depression. While a majority of depressed women tend to eat more, demonstrating rapid weight gain, some sufferers of depression lose their appetite altogether and as a result may lose significant weight in a short amount of time.PostureYou can tell a lot about mood by observing the way that someone carries themselves, especially if that person is normally more conscientious about posture. The toll depression takes on self-esteem often manifests itself in the way a woman stands or sits. A woman that slouches constantly or naturally reverts to defensive body language like crossed arms or the fetal position is a likely sufferer of depression.HygieneWomen that are deeply depressed may stop caring for themselves in basic ways. They lose track of simple everyday maintenance like showering and doing their hair and makeup. If you see a noticeable negative change in the way a woman presents and maintains herself, depression is a likely explanation.Pain and discomfortNot only is depression caused by a flood of chemicals in the body and brain, prolonged depression keeps those chemicals pumping. As a result, the stress of the situation can easily take a physical toll on the body of the sufferer. Small aches and pains as well as negative changes in digestion and sleeping patterns are all physical symptoms of depression.For a more complete list of depression symptoms, visit Because you cannot always see the mental and emotional symptoms of depression, you sometimes have to rely on more obvious physical signs of distress. Rapid weight changes, bad posture, a lapse in hygiene and constant aches and pains are all common physical symptoms of depression.

Is depression a sickness?

Depression is a mental illness that can happen to really anyone and can cause both mental and physical symptoms.

What's the definition of Depression?

Depression is a mental condition where the patient feels hopeless and extreme sadness. There could also be physical symptoms like fatigue and a lack of focus. It often can be treated with a variety of medications.

What do Sjogren's syndrome patients have a higher risk for?

In addition to physical symptoms, patients with SS appear to be at increased risk for depression and other mood disorders.