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I have Aspergers and when I was in elementary school I was removed from class every now and then to go to something called Speech. I found it pretty annoying :p

I was told I had bad posture, wouldn't greet others, enthusiastic reader, wouldn't respond or look when someone called my name, and prefered to be by myself.

Personally I do not think that there is many accomodations you can do for Asperger's. It is all dependent on the Aspie (one with Aspergers). If you think Speech will help, I recommend Speech in middle school because this was when I was most talkative. Also, I read alot of other Aspies becoming more social at this time.

Best thing to do would be to encourage them on their interests (but not too much) as this often and hopefully leads them into a career path where they will enjoy and/or excel in. Also, during teenaged years can bring out a bit more severe form of anxiety and depression than teens without Aspergers and this might call for attention.

There is no cure for Aspergers and few Aspies tend to have a combination such as having Aspergers and OCD, ADD, ect. In these cases, some medication can be helpful but usu. not neccasary.

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