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Q: What are the actions of Mrs. Fisher in Tangerine?
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What is Paul fishers mom name in tangerine?

Mom: Clara Fisher Dad:Mark Fisher Main character:Paul Fisher Main conflict:Erik Fisher

Who does Erik fisher slap in tangerine?

Erik Fisher slaps Paul Fisher, his younger brother, in the book "Tangerine" by Edward Bloor.

Who is the antagonist in tangerine?

Erik Fisher

What did Mrs. Fisher want Paul to do after the natural disaster sink hole. happened at Lake Windsor Middle School In Tangerine by Edward Bloor?

they died

Why was ms fisher paul's mother angry with the firefighter in the book tangerine?

In the book "Tangerine," Mrs. Fisher was angry with the firefighter because he did not respond promptly when her son, Paul, was trapped inside a burning house. This made Mrs. Fisher feel neglected and unsupported in a time of crisis, leading to her anger towards the firefighter.

Tangerine book why was mrfisher disapointed when she first examined lake windsor middle school?

In the Tangerine book, Mrs. Fisher was disappointed when he first examined lake Windsor Middle School because she realizes that it does not meet her high expectations.

What was Paul Fisher's dad's name in the book tangerine?

Paul Fisher's dad's name in the book Tangerine was Mr. Fisher.

What is pauls' nickname in tangerine middle?

Fisher man

What color was paul fisher's soccer uniform at tangerine middle school in the book tangerine?

In the book "Tangerine," Paul Fisher's soccer uniform at Tangerine Middle School was gold and green.

When was Mrs. Fisher's created?

Mrs. Fisher's was created in 1932.

Why are the citrus trees burning in the book tangerine?

To clear the land. Mrs. Fisher thinks that they can't built with the citrus trees. And they don't have any other use than for fruit. Dont worry, this is for my GT ELA class. We are reading the book tangerine!

What is the first school paul fisher attended in the book tangerine?

Paul Fisher's first school in the book "Tangerine" is Tangerine Middle School.