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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of field trips to the students?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of school field trips?

field trips r aweomse

What are potential disadvantages of field trips?


Benefits from field trips?

Field trips allow students to escape the routine of their classrooms and explore.

What percentage of students like field trips?


What are the adavntages of field trips?

Field trips provide hands-on learning experiences that can enhance understanding and retention of concepts. They can also help students make real-world connections to what they are learning in the classroom. Additionally, field trips can foster a sense of exploration, curiosity, and engagement in students.

Where could one find information about field trips?

One can find information about field trips on the UIO Norwegian website. The University of Oslo has records of various field trips organized by the students and also by the secretarial committee.

Is more field trips good or bad?

No there should not be field trips because field trips waistes money and time

What are facts about field trips?

Field trips offer students a hands-on learning experience outside the classroom. They can enhance understanding of classroom topics, spark curiosity, and offer opportunities for social interaction among students. Field trips can also help students develop important life skills such as independence and responsibility.

Where could one go on virtual field trips?

Scholastic, Field Trips and Education World all offer virtual field trips. They include places such as Ghana, a volcano in Montserrat and Egypt. The trips utilise videoconferencing tools and Skype to immerse students in a virtual world.

What is advantages and disadvantages of subject centered curriculum?

this is helpful on controllling the discpline of the students since the teacher is the provider of the information.

Do field trips help students learn better?

Yes, because field trips are more exciting than sitting at a desk in school, the students will be more attentive and absorb the information better. Field trips can be very helpful to students to learn more because many things that are discussed inside the classroom (theory) can be understood better when students are given a chance to witness them outside -- seeing the applications of these theories by themselves.

Why do students get taken on field trips?

because it boosts your education and gives you more experience for the later years. if you think about it, most of the field trips that you go on are just to make you smarter.