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External drives are easier to transport from computer to computer than internal, but generally cost much more for the same amount of storage space, and transfer/access files more slowly than an internal drive. (Copying things to and from an external take longer than your regular hard drive.) Internal drives are cheaper than externals for the same storage space, and respond more quickly, but can be difficult to install without help or experience working inside your computer. They can also pose problems when trying to transport them and connect them to others' computers, although in general it is possible to do so. So: externals are better for storing data that you'd like to share with people easily, while internal is better for the main storage of information on your desktop computer.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an external hard drive and an internal hard drive?
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What are some advantages and disadvantages of rtgs and neft system in India?

There are a few advantages and disadvantages of the RTGS system. One of disadvantages are the gross system been at risk of gridlock from not having enough money. The advantage is having the savings in money to support any payment transaction.

What are disadvantages to electronic health records?

There are not too many disadvantages (there are actually more advantages compared to the traditional records) to having electronic medical records. They are all privately stored on a secure server and only those with the access password are able to retrieve the files. They will help to speed up doctor visits and help patient referrals and transfers go much smoother.

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It is having high power and it has a complex operations to perform the taSK

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There are many advantages of an electronic toothbrush. They are able to get into places where a regular toothbrush can't. They remove more plaque than a regular toothbrush and the pulse effect, also replicates the tools which are used at the dentist.

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One of the disadvantages that the North had during the Civil War was the fact that they were divided. Not everyone in the north agreed on the issue of slavery. This made it difficult for them to come together. Southern disadvantages included them not having a railroad. They also were not able to quickly produce needed supplies.

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