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Q: What are the advantages of MEDC's?
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Why are new technologies available more in MEDCs than LEDCs?

Because MEDCs have more money to spend on these technologies.

How did LEDCs get into debt with MEDCs?

ledcs ask medcs for money if they need it but over time, medcs charge more and more interest and so the ledcs can't pay it back. medcs also bargain for their resources so when the ledcs are left in debt, with no control over their resources, they end up in poverty.

How many MEDCs are there in the world?


Is Argentina a medcs or ledcs country?


What are the advantages of globalisation for medc and ledcs?

One of the advantages of globalization is that there can be work outsourcing to developing countries. Labor and parts can be acquired at cheaper rates. However, one disadvantage is that it can lead LEDCs to risk its own natural resources like oil and rainforests just to supply for MEDCs.

Is Somalia a medcs or ledcs country?

LEDC because it has faming in it and ...

Why is globalisation bad for medcs?

i know trolololololol charlie horner is a trollololololollol

Why cities LEDCs are growing faster than cities in MEDCs?

Because LEDCs are generally weaker than MEDCS so in a general term we are to see the weak rise compared to the strong, cause you cannot get stronger.

Why are there more people living in LEDCs than MEDCs?

becuase of eternity life

Is the Philippines an medcs or ledcs?

MEDC becuase its more economic developed country.

Are MEDCs better at sport that LEDCs?

i don't know that's what im looking for lol

What are the Benefits of tourism in MEDCs?

OMG more people go to that county init noobs