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Q: What are the advantages of getting the temperature in axillary?
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Why are thermometer placed in armpit in getting body thermometer?

There are four ways to get someones temperature: orally (by mouth), axillary (armpit), rectally or they can stick a thermometer in your ear. Axillary is the least accurate but sometimes is the only way to get a persons temperature.

What is a Axillary Temperature?


What color thermometer is used for axillary temperature?


Which method of temperature measurement is the least accurate?


How do you calculate an axillary temperature?

putting a probe in the patients armpit?

Contra indications for axillary temperature?

Skin disease. 2- Axillary operation. 3- Unconsciousness, shocked patients 4- Constricted peripheral blood vessels.

What do you use for temperature under the arm pit?

You can use a regular thermometer probe to take a underarm (axillary) temperature.

How do you convert 96.6 axillary temp into oral temperature?


What are 4 different methods to take a temperature?

rectal, oral. axillary or ear and aural

Why is axillary temperature the least accurate?

Axillary temperature is the least accurate because the area is exposed to circulating air outside of the armpit cavity, and in order for the result to be accurate, it takes 10 minutes of holding the thermometer in place. This is hard on the patient and the lab tech/nurse taking the person's temperature.

List three contraindications for oral temperature measurement?

Axillary,rectal,tympanic,or temporal method

Select one method used to measure body temperature?

ear, oral, axillary or rectal are locations it can be measured