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Animals take the energy made by the plants in photosynthesis and use that energy to survive. If animal is a herbivore, it eats these plants and then the energy is built up in them from consumption. The next animal in the food chain then eats that animal and gains less energy from the animal than it would from consuming that plant. If we ate beef all the time, we would be feeding off the energy that was given to the cow by eating the grass and other plants. If we ate the same amount of plant matter as the meat, then we would gain more energy.

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It means they don't have to rely on sunlight to produce food. Most carnivorous plants live in soil that's poor in nutrients - so catching or trapping insects etc provides more nutrition than relying on soil and sunlight.

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Q: What are the advantages of plants being able to catch and digest animals as well as to photosynthesise?
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I think yes bcuz of the cell wall Nd photosynthesise

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Do animals photosynthesise?

No. We do not perform the function of photosynthesis as we are heterotrophs.Plants ,who are autotrophs perform photosynthesis to make their ownfood.The plants by this process convert the suns energy into their food

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If plants had no carbon dioxide?

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Why do carnivorous plants need to photosynthesise?

for making glucose.