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The main advantage of questionnaire is that questions are placed per seriatim and you can answer them at your convenience.

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3d ago

Questionnaires are a cost-effective and efficient way to collect data from a large number of respondents. They can be easily standardized for consistency and allow for anonymity, which can lead to more honest responses. Additionally, questionnaires can be easily distributed and completed remotely, making them convenient for both researchers and participants.

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What are the advantages of a bribery?

It helps you get what you want faster than anyone else

What are the Advantages of international relations?

Advantages of international relations include fostering peaceful resolutions to conflicts, promoting economic cooperation and development, sharing knowledge and resources between countries, and establishing diplomatic alliances for mutual benefit.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of indirect democracy?

Advantages of indirect democracy include representation of diverse perspectives and the ability of elected officials to make informed decisions on behalf of the population. Disadvantages can include potential for corruption, lack of direct citizen participation in decision-making, and the risk of elected officials prioritizing their own interests over those of the people they serve.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of paternalism state?

Advantages of paternalism state include safeguarding citizens from harmful decisions and promoting a sense of social responsibility. However, it can lead to a restriction of individual freedom and autonomy, potentially undermining personal choice and self-determination.

What are some more advantages and disadvantages of cloning?

Advantages of cloning include potential for medical advancements, preservation of endangered species, and agricultural benefits. Disadvantages include ethical concerns regarding human cloning, reduced genetic diversity leading to vulnerability to diseases, and unpredictable long-term consequences.

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