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Q: What are the advantages of reptiles keeping fertilized eggs in their body until they are ready to hatch?
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Do reptiles give young hatch from eggs or born alive?

Reptiles hatch from eggs.

Can you hatch a unfertlized egg?

An un-fertilized egg will NOT hatch.

What do reptiles hatch from?


Do reptiles hatch?


Do reptiles lay eggs?

Most reptiles lay eggs, but some species do not. An couple of examples of the latter would be the garter snake or all boas and all vipers. The eggs are fertilized inside the mother then hatch inside the mother then are born alive.

Why is it necessary for an egg to be fertilized?

It is necessary for an egg to be fertilized so the egg can hatch.

Is it bad for a hen to try and hatch an egg that is not fertilized?

no that is how people eat eggs. we eat eggs that chickens/hens hatch that aren't fertilized.

What if your turkey had 4 eggs without mating will it hatch?

unless the eggs were fertilized, they will not hatch.

Can we hatch commercial egg?

We cannot hatch a commercial egg because it is usually not fertilized.

Can Isa Brown eggs hatch when fertilized?

Yes, they can

How long does a store bought egg hatch?

Store bought eggs are not fertilized and therefore will not hatch.

What does not feed their babies mammals birds reptiles?

Reptiles - from the moment the baby reptiles are born (or hatch) - they are completely independent.