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Q: What are the advantages of using circular singhly list?
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How do you solve josephus problem using circular linked list?

The Josephus problem is a problem to locate the place for the last survivour. It shows the power of the circular linked list over the singly linked lists.

How do you find whether linked list is circular or not?

To determine if a linked list is circular, you can use the Floyd's cycle detection algorithm. This algorithm involves using two pointers moving at different speeds through the list, and if there is a cycle, the two pointers will eventually meet at the same node. If they don't meet and one of the pointers reaches the end of the list, then the list is not circular.

C program to implement deque using circular linked list?

You'll need to use a doubly-linked circular list, since otherwise when you pop off the tail element you'll need to whizz all the way round the list to find its predecessor. See the links section for an implementation of a doubly-linked circular list.

How do you check whether a linked list is circular?

A linked list is circular if the tail of the list points to the head. The easiest way to check this is to check whether the pointer of the tail is a null pointer. If it is, then the list is not circular.

How can implement round robin sceduler in java using circular doubly linked list?

I'm sorry brother

Difference between linear linked list and circular linked list?


Explain any two advantages using Single linked list over Doubly linked list and vice-versa?

Advantages of single linked list: # Decrease in storage space per linked list node # Simpler implementation Advantages of double linked list # Decrease in work when accessing a random node # Decrease in work when inserting or deleting a node

Can implement circular lists using stack?

No. A stack is a data structure that allows insertion and removal at the top. A circular list allows insertion and removal anywhere in the list. The two types of data structure are too different to be reasonably implementable in terms of each other.

What is the difference between queues and circular queues?

A queue can use a dynamic array, or a linked list, but if using static memory, the queue becomes a circular queue because the underlaying data structure is a static circular array. This means the ends of the array are attached.

What is the difference between doubly linked list and circular linked list?

A doubly linked list allows traversal in both directions (forward and backward) by having each node point to both its next and previous nodes. A circular linked list is a type of linked list where the last node points back to the first node, forming a circular structure. This allows continuous traversal through the elements without a definitive end.

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