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Q: What are the agencies responsible for the protection of human right?
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Who are the agencies responsible for human right?

agencies responsible for protection of human right

What are the right for human rights?

agencies responsible for protection of human right

What are the agencies responsible for human in nigeria and how their right can be projected?


What was the purpose of the alien act?

the purpose of the act was for promotion managed immigration and provisions the international protection with respect of the human and basic right and consideration in the international agreement of binding on Finland. the purpose of the act was for promotion managed immigration and provisions the international protection with respect of the human and basic right and consideration in the international agreement of binding on Finland. the purpose of the act was for promotion managed immigration and provisions the international protection with respect of the human and basic right and consideration in the international agreement of binding on Finland. fat people

What are the features of consumer protection act?

Salient Features of Consumer Protection Act are as follows: 1. The Act acknowledges six rights of the consumers: v Right of Choice v Right to safety v Right to be Informed v Right to be Heard v Right to Redress, and v Right to Consumer Education 2. The Act Provides for the establishment of: v Central Consumer Protection Council at Central Levels v The State Consumer Protection Council at State Levels, and v Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies. 3. The Act is applicable to all private, public or co-operative business sectors.

Human rights in UK?

The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force in the UK in the year 2000. The Act outlines and protects various aspects of human rights issues, including:the right to lifethe right to liberty and freedomthe right of free speech and peaceful protestthe right to equalitythe protection of propertyfreedom of thought and religionprotection against slaveryprotection against torturethe right to fair trial

Do human pheromones are responsible for attaining early puberty in female?

yes you do realize the order of words in that sentence makes absolutely no sense right?

What is the control of human right abuse?

the court is the best agency of government that can check abuse of human right as it id the last hope of the common man the press as the watch dog also check abuse government agencies such as the public police complaints commission's can also check abuses of rights.

Witch one is it US Constitution all people have a right to live or all things have a right to live?

People. The movement recently to give animals and plants the same protection as human beings is very recent.

What political right are set forth in the universal declaration of human rights?

Equal protection under the law, free movement, and free association and assembly with other people.

Can collection agencies freeze your savings account?

No, collection agencies do not have any right to freeze your savings account. Only banks have the right to freeze your account but depends on the nature of the default.

What are the themes of Declaration of Independence?

the main theme of Declaration of Independence is all men are created equally. No one is supposed to override the other right. Government should responsible for protection of public property and their life.