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I just discovered my allergy to escargot yesterday.

I do not ever want to go through it again.

The following symptoms are what I went through, I do not know whether they are the same for every individual. But it was a combination of everything. And the following list is in no particular order.

1) Difficulty Breathing.

2) Stomach Pains. A dull drilling pain in the upper stomach, not unlike gastric pain.

3) Very itchy skin, all over the body. If possible, do not scratch. Scratching resulted in huge swelling, and made my face swollen and where ever else i scratch. I believe the swells are called hives. I ended up looking mutated. My girlfriend was very creeped out, but she stood by me.

4) Diarrhea. This came much later, and lasts into day 2. As I am typing this, I still have diarrhea.

5) Vomiting. Or at least having the urge to. But I have not thrown up yet, and the feeling has since disappeared. I think it would have helped if I had vomited, but my pride was at stake. So I held it in.

6) Headache. This resembled the headache of a hangover, or for those who don't drink, compare it to when you have the flu. The kind that comes with the whole package of fatigue, and the spinning, dizzy feeling.

7) Muscle Aches. Not unlike the aches usually accompanying high fever.

8) Fever. The standard fever leaving you sweating and feeling like crap.

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