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On the Summer Solstice, June 21, the Sun is at about 23.5 degrees north. If you are at 50 degrees north, then at noon ("Local Apparent Noon", when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky) on June 21, the Sun will be at an altitude of 66.5 degrees above the southern horizon.

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Q: What are the angle of the sunś rays in summer for latittude 50?
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When the sun rays reach their highest angle in the northern hemisphere the season there in is?

That would be summer. In summer, the northern axis of the earth is tilted toward the sun. The angle of the sun from the horizon is greater than in the winter. This is one reason summer is warmer and days are longer.

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The angle of the sun's rays duriing in spring is the same as the sun's rays in fall during in Florida

In what season is angle of separation greatest summer or winter?

im learning about it in science but i believe summer because in the summer you get direct rays from the sun while in winter you get indirect -jaila s

When do the Sun's rays strike latitude 23.5 degrees at an angle of 90 degrees?

During the solstice (our summer for north, our winter for south).

What is angle of insulation?

It is the angle at which the sun's rays hit the earth

Why is the sun warmer in the summer?

During summer months, the part of the world having summer is close to a right angle to the rays of the sun, giving the most heat to the area exposed. During winter, the tilt of the earth means the sun's rays strike the earth at an angle, meaning that they spread over a larger area, giving less heat. When it is summer in the northern half of the world, it is winter in the southern half. Temperature difference is not due to distance from the sun, but due to the tilt of the earth. If distance was the determining factor, both north and south would be the same temperature.

What is are sun rays called in the summer?

At any time of the year they are 'RADIATION'.

Is it true that during summer the sun rays are less direct?

No. Summer is defined as the time of year when the sun's rays are more direct.

What does the angle of earth have to do with the seasons?

it affects the angle at which the sun rays hit the earth

Is the sun hotter in the summer?

No. In the summer, the hemisphere you are in is tilted toward the sun. As a result, the sun's rays strike the surface at a steeper angle and the energy is less spread out than in other seasons, so there is more solar energy delivered to an area of a given size.

Why is a shadow longer in the summer than winter?

In the summer, the sun is higher in the sky, casting shadows that are shorter. In the winter, the sun is lower in the sky, creating longer shadows. This difference in the angle of the sun's rays causes the length of shadows to vary between the seasons.

What is the definition for angle of insolation?

The angle the sun's rays hit a given surface on Earth.And the angle is measured from the horizon up to the position of the sun