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Q: What are the answers to Forensic science power of evidence?
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What does antheist mean?

An atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of gods or a higher power. Atheists typically rely on reason, evidence, and science to understand the world around them.

Does science show that God did not design the world?

Science does not provide direct evidence for or against the existence of a divine creator. While science aims to explain the natural world through observable phenomena and mechanisms, the concept of a higher power designing the world falls under metaphysical or religious beliefs that are not within the scope of scientific inquiry. Ultimately, beliefs regarding whether or not God designed the world are personal and can vary based on individual perspectives.

What are the answers on page 67 in science power?

This website doesn't have access to the questions, and isn't here for the purpose of doing your homework. Nobody needs the answers. The questions are there in order to make you think and answer them. If you're not going to do that, then don't bother wasting too much of your time just to get a list of answers.

How did Zeus contribute to science?

the power of lightning was a product of science.

What are the science A to Z challenge answers?

animals, botany, carbon, DNA, electrons, Friction, gases, hydrogen, insect, Jupiter, kilowatt, laws of motion, machine, nitrogen, orbit, power, quark, reptiles, skeleton, telescope, uranium, vein, weight,x-ray, yellow, zoology Or try this answer instead if you want to: astronomy, biology, chemistry, diffusion, experiment, fossil, geology, heat, interference, jet-stream, kinetic, latitude, motion, neutron, oxygen, physics, quasar, respiration, solar system, thermometer, ultraviolet rays, volcano, water, x-ray, yttrium, zoology

An example of power in science terms?

Some examples of power in physical science include: electric power, pedal power, and steam power. In physics, power is the rate at which work is performed or energy is converted.

Science definition of power?

power is the rate at which work is done, and the unit of power is the watt

What is the importance of DNA to forensic science?

DNA is important because of its tremendous discriminating power and stability. Following are the role of DNA in forensic science. - It is used for successful resolution of many crimes. - To identify potential suspects who’s DNA may match evidence left at crime scenes. - To exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes. - It helps to identify crime and catastrophe victims. - To establish paternity and other family relationships. - It helps to identify endangered and protected species as an aid to wildlife officials (could be used for prosecuting poachers). - To detect bacteria and other organisms that may pollute air, water, soil, and food - It helps in match organ donors with recipients in transplant programs. - To determine pedigree for seed or livestock breeds. - To authenticate consumables such as caviar and wine.

Can you give some examples power from applied science?

Examples of power from applied science include depletion of trees and coal. Additional examples of applied science are invitro-fertilization and cloning.