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There are other so many in daily life where your knowledge of science is applied directly:

Applied Mathematics:

* Using a calculator

* Calculating a tip in a restaurant in your heand

* Measuring ingredients or dimensions


* Banking

* Writing checks

* Drawing up a budget/determining what you can afford

* Paying income or sales tax

Applied Physics:

* Cooking

* Baking

* Working out

Applied Cartography/Orienteering

* Choosing routes to drive, walk, or ride a balk

* Determining locations using addresses or milestones

* Hiking

* Using a map

Applied Semiotics or Linguistics

* Deciphering signs and symbols everywhere in life

* Deciding how to punctuate or write human speech

* Reading books or magazines

Nutritional Science:

* Preparing food and making decisions on what is good or bad to eat

Medical Science:

* Self-medicating (e.g. taking an aspirin or acetaminophin, etc.)

* Understanding potential interactions of over-the-counter products (e.g. knowing not to mix DayQuil or NyQuil with Tylenol, cough syrup, or antihistamine)

* Bandaging and basic triage (treating pimples, cuts, burns, bruises)

* Taking a temperature

* Stretching and preparing muscles for exercise

* Knowledge and application of proper hygiene

* Knowledge of diseases and how they are transmitted (e.g. flu, cold, chicken box, STDs, etc.)

* Knowledge of Birth Control and disease prevention


* Understanding how to behave in certain contexts

* Knowing what kinds of behavior to expect from others

* Understanding rules of etiquette and politeness in different contexts

* Following and understanding political discussions or news reports

* An awareness of how the individual fits into larger and larger groups of people

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Q: What are the applications of science and technology in your life?
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