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1. The atomic number is equivalent to the number of protons in the atomic nucleus of a chemical element. The number of protons is identical for all the isotopes of an element.

2. The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus of an isotope.

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Q: What are the atomic numbers and mass numbers of the stable and radioactive forms?
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Are there any elements with no stable forms?

Many of the elements with higher atomic numbers have no stable form yet discovered, ex: ununoctium.

What is another name for the newly formed isotope?

There isn't another name for isotopes. What it means is Any two or more forms of a chemical element, having the same number of protons in the nucleus, or the same atomic number, but having different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus, or different atomic weights. There are 275 isotopes of the 81 stable elements, in addition to over 800 radioactive isotopic forms.

what is isotop?

each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in relative atomic mass but not in chemical properties; in particular, a radioactive form of an element. Example : carbon12 Isotopes are different versions of an element with varying numbers of neutrons in their nucleus. They have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. These variations in neutrons give each isotope a different atomic mass. Isotopes can be stable or radioactive, and they play a crucial role in various scientific fields like medicine, archaeology, and environmental studies.

When a radioactive nucleus decays and forms a new nucleus is the new nucleus always radioactive?

No. A stable nucleus can form. If the new nucleus is radioactive, then it will contiue to decay until a non radioactive nucleus is attained.

Technetium in brackets?

Any time you see the atomic mass of an element in brackets on the periodic chart, that number represents the mass number of the longest-lived or best-known isotope of that element. In other words there is no stable isotope, i.e. all forms of it are radioactive.

A charged atom that forms when the numbers of electrons and protons are not equal?

atomic number

How atomic structure forms a bond?

It depends on the atomic number. For example some atomic numbers create oxygen and others create metal such as zinc.

Why does plutonium have a less mass then uranium?

In their most stable forms, Uranium has an atomic mass of 238 and plutonium has an atomic mass of 244, plutonium has a greater mass than that of Uranium.

What is the radioactive form of carbon?

There are several radioactive forms of carbon. The most familiar, used in carbon dating, is carbon-14. All of the others have very short half-lives.Isotopes of carbon range from carbon-8 to carbon-22. Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable and non-radioactive. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. The longest lived beyond that is carbon-11 at 20.3 minutes.

Does oxygen atoms become more stable or less stable when oxygen forms compounds?

Oxygen becomes more stable when it forms compounds.

What forms new elements?

radioactive decay

How are iron cobalt and nickel different?

The different forms of an element are called isotopes. Each isotope has the same number of protons in its nucleus, but differing numbers of neutrons. This difference causes an instability in the nucleus and leads to some of them breaking down into other elements and emitting radiation (called radioactive decay). Cobalt has only one natural isotope, 50Co, which is completely stable. All others are produced by neutron bombardment in a reactor. These others are very radioactive and are used as gamma ray sources in quite a few industries and systems.