

What are the básic needs of cells in the body?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are the básic needs of cells in the body?
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What cells drive you to eat?

Its certain brain cells in the primal part of your brain. It controls the bsic necessities such as eating and drinking water.

Where are stem cells in humans?

stem cells exist throughout the body and they respond to certain needs in the body by becoming specialized cells.

What are the basic-needs of all cells in the body?

The basic needs of all cells in the body is to have food, oxygen, have their wastes taken away and have the body conditions not change to much, or else they would not be able to do their functions.

What are basic needs of all cells in the body?

The basic needs of all cells in the body is to have food, oxygen, have their wastes taken away and have the body conditions not change to much, or else they would not be able to do their functions.

What are the basic needs of all cells in the body?

The basic needs of all cells in the body is to have food, oxygen, have their wastes taken away and have the body conditions not change to much, or else they would not be able to do their functions.

Why does the body need to get rid of wastes in the cells?

it needs this because its not good for your body to keep it in.

How does the blood help the body?

The body needs oxygen to survive, and blood carries oxygen to cells in the body.

What is the purpose of somatic cells?

Somatic cells are body cells that contain a full set of chromosomes. I imagine that a somatic cell donor donates healthy body cells to someone who needs them.

What cells keep dividing in your body?

cells that divide into your body are plasma cells that keep you from getting sick or get a disease. cells are divide because the body needs cells to have energy. cells also divide when you run alote or exercise or even sit or sleep.

What are the basic needs of all the cells in the body?

water, oxygen, glucose

How does the body get blood cells?

When the body needs a specific type of blood cell, the bone marrow uses its stockpile of stem cells to produce the kind of mature cells needed

What are the basic needs of all needs in the body?

The basic needs of all cells in the body is to have food, oxygen, have their wastes taken away and have the body conditions not change to much, or else they would not be able to do their functions.