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Potentially, a bullet between the eyes by an angry spouse.

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Q: What are the bad effects of adulteration?
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What are the scientific effects of food adulteration?

Some of the are nervous tremours due to bad oils. Also overall degradation of diet.

What are types of food adulteration?

The four basic types of food adulteration are milk adulteration, grain adulteration, adulteration of oil and fats, and other adulteration.

What are the Different types of adulterations?

food adulteration , water adulteration , drug adulteration

Which escape is forbidden without adulteration?

Which thing is forbidden without adulteration

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What are the bad effects of onanism?

There are no bad physical effects of masturbation.

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the bad effects of wood to people

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If you think rationally there are no bad effects of camera.

Have you had any bad effects on the zambezi river?

No, I have not had any bad effects on the Zambesi River.

What is adulteration How many types of adulteration And what is the reason of adulteration?

it is when an impurity is added or a chemical is added to make the food item more appealing in looks and volume. adulteration can be done by bacteria or chemicals or even things like chalk powder, saw dust, stones etc.

What are the measures taken to prevent adulteration?

first of all food should be tested and then consumed.government should stop working of company that take part in adulteration.

What are some good and bad effects of watching anime?

Good effects - It can keep you entertained Bad effects - You may become a weeaboo