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Ethical Relativism states that there is no moral absolute or moral right and wrong. Ethics are simply based upon the bounds of societal norms and subject to change.These "Ethics" are based upon the compunction of the person or society which makes them up as they go along. All morals are considered relative to the situation.For instance;"I won't steal, (unless I really need something and/or won't get caught.) " or "I won't cheat on my spouse unless they cheat on me first."Ethical Relativism is closely related to situational ethics. Both of these forms of ethics are essentially the same as having no ethics at all. The only concern is the concern about getting caught by, or disdained by society. This is similar to a sociopath.The primary moral code, and conviction which Ethical Relativism proponents share, is tolerance of anything other than a moral code."Tolerance is the virtue of those without conviction."
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Q: What are the basic arguments Ethical Relativism?
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