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The only basic computer skill you need to start HTML training is keyboarding.

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Q: What are the basic computer skills I need to move on to HTML training?
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What skills do you need to have to be a web developer?

Basic computer skills are a must to be a web developer. You also need to have an understanding of HTML, content writing and arts and graphics if you hope to work in this field.

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What are the basic HTML codes?

Some basic HTML codes are as followed

How does hmtl function?

HTML basically tells the computer what to do. it does this by using codes embedded in the <> To start out an HTML command you have to type <HTML> to end an HTML command you have to type the same command as the first, but put a / in front of the command </HTML>. other than that its basically English, if you want to title you page, you type <title>. Example: <HTML> <Title>Basic Webpage</Title> <body> <p> Hello World, this is a basic webpage using HTML </p> </body> </HTML>

What experience do you need to get an online marketing job?

You should have general marketing skills along with computer skills and a knowledge of website design. HTML programming skills are not absolutely necessary, but are a plus.

Where can I find how to start a website?

The best website for you to learn about starting a website is You can learn from very basic skills such as html or css to advanced skills with html5, php, java and flash.

Is HTML training considered to be obsolete?

HTML training itself is not considered to be obsolete. However, there are some techniques and programs in past training that are now considered to be obsolete.

How do you prepare an HTML?

The basic HTML base to a HTML website is <HTML> <title> </title> <head> </head> <body> </body> </HTML>

What extensions are added to basic HTML documents?

.htm, .html, .xhtml

How HTML tags needed to create a basic webpage?

HTML tags can be made to create a basic webpage. The basic tags with some text can make a webpage in basic format.

If you have basic computer knowledge you don't know the basics of programming and not even know HTML my question is how much time do I take to learn HTML and CSS?

With someone to show you, you can create a very simple web page using HTML in a few minutes, even with very few computer skills. HTML is quite simple to learn. It is not like trying to learn a programming language. OF course to get a good and thorough understanding of HTML and also CSS, takes time and practice. If you are committed, you can be creating good pages soon. Having someone to show you is best, but even having a good book or other source will help. So, be sure, you can learn HTML. As you do so, you will also learn lots of other things about computers.

What is HTML View?

The view of the website in form of HTML is HTML view. It is the basic code you write in text editor.